Ways to Give

CHC’s life-changing services are possible because of caring individuals like you
Through a unique blend of comprehensive and clinically outstanding onsite services and outreach programs, CHC impacts the quality of life for 50,000 infants, children and adults annually. For many, we are the only place to turn, serving all regardless of ability to pay; for everyone, we offer the highest caliber of care in all of our specialties.
The Center for Hearing and Communication is an accredited non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Online Donation
Make a secure online donation using a credit or debit card. If you’re making a tribute or memorial gift, be sure to enter the name of the individual you are honoring so that we can send a notification to the person or family indicated. Please consider maximizing the impact of your contribution by making a recurring gift. We welcome general donations as well as those specifically in support of the Florida office. Donate now.
Matching Gift
If you or your spouse works for a company that offers a matching gift program, you can ask your company to match that donation – doubling, sometimes tripling your impact. Use the search tool below to see if you’re eligible for a matching gift and be sure to follow any instructions that are provided. See if your employer will match your donation!
Check Donation
To mail us a donation, send your check made out to Center for Hearing and Communication (or CHC) to the address below:
Center for Hearing and Communication
Development Department
50 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Donor-Advised Fund
CHC is a 501(c)(3) charity that sponsors a DAF program.
Car Donation
CHC is a participating charity in the Miles Ahead car donation program. Miles Ahead makes it easy to donate your car regardless of its condition. Visit Miles Ahead and select the Center for Hearing and Communication as your trusted charity partner.
Planned Giving
Ensure that our programs and services are available to the next generation of families living with the challenges of hearing loss through planned giving. We welcome gifts through a bequest, a charitable gift annuity, trusts, and other estate plans. For more information, contact Nancy Nadler, Deputy Executive Director, at (917) 305-7810 or nnadler@chchearing.org.
Thank you for your support!!!
CARES Act Incentives for Individuals and Corporations
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020, includes incentives that encourage individual and corporate giving to help nonprofits navigate through this crisis. Highlights are:
100% of AGI limit available for cash gifts to most public charities: For the 2020 tax year, individuals may deduct cash gifts to public charities in an amount up to 100% of their adjusted gross income (AGI). The CARES Act increases the limit on individual taxpayers’ deductions for cash contributions to public charities from 60% of the individual’s AGI to 100% of the individual’s AGI.
New above-the-line deduction for cash contributions: The CARES Act allows up to $300 of qualified cash charitable contributions to be considered in computing AGI by an individual ($600 for a married couple) who does not itemize deductions.
Increase in limit for corporate taxpayers: The CARES Act increased the income limits on the deduction for charitable cash contributions from 10% of the corporation’s taxable income to 25% of the corporation’s taxable income.
The above is a snapshot of the provisions enacted in the CARES Act. For determining individual applicability of these provisions, please consult your professional advisors.
Contact Us
Please direct any questions regarding our organization or a possible gift to the Development Department at (917) 305-7702 or development@CHChearing.org.
The Center for Hearing and Communication is an accredited non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.