Love Letter to Our Pediatric Groups
By Allison Diamond, Speech-Language Pathologist
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that is definitely the case with our speech-language therapy groups here at CHC!
After a pause in in-person groups during the height of the pandemic, our pediatric group therapy sessions are back at CHC-NY! Group sessions, which include children ranging in age from infancy to late elementary school, are unique to CHC-NY. While we very much value individual speech-language therapy sessions, the group setting allows our clinicians to target other skills, such as:
listening in noisy environments
use of social language
During group sessions, our speech-language therapists also gain insight into the ways the children apply the skills learned in individual therapy in a functional setting that mirrors a classroom environment.
What we love most about our group therapy sessions is the community they foster amongst CHC kids and parents alike. During group, the children always have a blast, whether it’s participating in a baking activity or conversing about a funny experience with an FM system at school. It’s a time when our deaf and hard of hearing children can socialize with and relate to each other.
CHC parents look on from the observation room, as they connect and chat about all things hearing loss and parenting. We love seeing all the playdates and meet-ups that have flourished from CHC groups, and can’t wait for more time together in 2023!