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New hearing aids capture more and better sound

“The new hearing aids rock. Truly. This is as close as anybody has gotten to what the ear and brain normally do. Protecting me when it gets noisy, etc. I’m just letting them do their thing and it’s cool!”

– CHC client

New hearing aids generate positive buzz

Widex beyond

New hearing aids from Widex (Beyond) and Signia (Cellion) and Oticon (Opn) are generating overwhelmingly positive feedback from our clients at CHC who have tried them since they launched in November. Some of the advantages they’re experiencing:

  1. Access to more sound than before

  2. A quality of sound that is more true-to-life

  3. Enhanced ability to understand speech, even in noise

  4. Wireless accessories for phone, TV and other electronic devices

New hearing aids, version 3.1 by Lyric

Phonak Lyric

In fact, there’s a breadth of hearing technology available today for people with all degrees of hearing loss that’s truly remarkable. In addition to new hearing aids from Widex and Oticon, Phonak has a line of devices producing excellent outcomes. Among them are Lyric, an extended-wear hearing aid that sits completely in the ear canal, and Roger FM Systems, a sleekly designed wireless solution that enhances speech in noise and over distance.

Discounts available on hearing aids and accessories

Effective March, 2017 . . . CHC-NY is pleased to offer a 10% senior citizen discount (age 65 and older) off your purchase of hearing aids and FM/Roger systems (but not earmolds, assistive listening devices, accessories and services). This discount applies whether you buy one or two instruments. Additional discounts apply as well, such as our 5% discount for HLAA members, up to a maximum of 15%. Note that all discounts are applied to the patient responsibility after insurance payments are taken into account.

At CHC, you can demo the latest technology by all of the leading hearing aid manufacturers. Be assured that CHC has no allegiance to any particular manufacturer. Our sole focus is to determine the technology solution that works best for your unique hearing and communication needs – always with an eye on providing you with the most discreet design possible.

Please contact us in New York at (917) 305-7766 to schedule a hearing evaluation or hearing aid consultation so that you can experience the new hearing aids and accessories for yourself.

We look forward to being your guide in this new and exciting age of hearing technology!

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