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Donate to CHC’s summer wish list

The children’s program at the Center for Hearing and Communication (CHC) in New York is growing thanks to the incredible work of Liz Ying and her staff.

We’ve developed a wish list on Amazon of items to support the program and encourage you to have a look and make a donation. Prices for the items range from $21.99 to $318.00.

When you see an item you’d like to donate, use the link below to access Amazon Smile. This is a special Amazon portal that will automatically generate a small cash donation to CHC (courtesy of Amazon) in addition, of course, to your wish list item donation. Using Amazon Smile, your shopping experience will be otherwise unchanged. In fact, please consider using this portal for all your Amazon shopping.

Each item links to the product listing on Amazon, so that you can get further information about the item you are donating.

When you make a donation, please email us at to let us know. Please include the item you have donated so that we can provide you with an acknowledgement and remove the item from the wish list.

We appreciate your support!


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