RSVP for Hearing Aid Open House by Dec 1
The Center for Hearing and Communication (CHC) in New York invites you to participate in our first-ever Get Ready for the Holidays Hearing Aid Open House December 2-4. This Open House is available by appointment only, so call us at (917) 305-7766 to reserve your space today.
Our clients have told us that the holidays can present significant communication challenges. It’s difficult to follow the conversation when families get together, music is playing, and people are speaking at the same time. Your CHC audiologist can work with you to improve your ability to hear in difficult listening situations.
At the Get Ready for the Holidays Hearing Aid Open House, you can try out the latest digital hearing devices for free. We’ll even clean your current hearing aids. Our goal is to have you experience better hearing this holiday season.
Try hearing aids risk-free and receive other benefits

Halo, Made for iPhone hearing ad
Complete benefits are listed below:
Complimentary listening demonstration*
14-Day, risk-free trial (hearing device that best meet your needs)
$500 discount (purchase of a pair)
Complimentary cleaning of your current aids
Hearing technology has improved significantly in the past couple of years. The latest devices offer enhanced speech clarity, wireless connectivity, and discreet designs. They can help you hear better with less fatigue, even in noisy environments.
Hearing aid expertise you can trust
CHC offers devices by all the leading manufacturers including Oticon, Phonak, Widex and Starkey. We have no allegiances with any of the manufacturers. Our technology recommendations to our clients are based solely on their hearing and communication needs. Ours is a patient-focused approach to hearing healthcare that has served our clients well for over 100 years..
CHC carries all the latest models including Halo, the Made for iPhone hearing aid by Starkey that you may have read about in The New York Times. We also fit our adult clients who have mild to moderate hearing loss with Lyric, by Phonak, and SoundLens, by Starkey, both invisible hearing aids that are inserted inside the ear canal. Read more.
Contact us at 917-305-7766
Call us at (917) 305-7766 or email us at to reserve your space in our Get Ready for the Holidays Hearing Aid Open House December 2-4. We’ll help you Connect to Life® this holiday season.
*Requires a hearing test within the last 9 months. Those without a recent hearing evaluation are invited to schedule one and then take advantage of this offer.